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天道酬勤,曾经的每一分付出,必将收到百倍回报。 今天小编给大家带来了2020年翻译资格考试一级口译试题,希望能够帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。



Remarks by Consul General Xu Erwen at 2018 Xiyangyang Lifestyle and Travel Expo





Hon Mr. Phil Golf, Mayor of Auckland,

Mr. Dave Cull, President of LGNZ and Mayor of Dunedin,

Mayors Gary Tong, Steve Chadwick, Tim Shadbolt and other worship majors,

Councilors, Ladies and gentlemen,

Good Morning!


It is my pleasure to be here today joining so many old and new friends at this great event. First of all, I would like to extend my warm congratulations to China Travel Service for organizing this Expo, which provides an important platform to showcase NZ various tourist attractions and resources of both NZ and China, and offers valuable opportunities for all tourism related parties to make connections, communications and cooperation among each other.

我还想借此机会感谢在座的各位朋友为这次活动成功举办所付出的努力,感谢你们为促进中国与新西兰之间的相互了解、友谊和合作所作的贡献。考生如果怕自己错过考试报名时间和考试时间的话,可以 免费预约短信提醒,届时会以短信的方式提醒大家报名和考试时间。

I would also like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation to all the friends present here for your hard work in making this event possible, and for your contribution in promoting mutual understanding, friendship and co-operations between China and NZ.


Ladies and gentlemen,


Tourism is one of the most important contents in building the Belt & Road Initiative between China and NZ, and a significant bridge for enhancing mutual understanding and friendship between China and NZ. In recent years, tourism exchanges and cooperation has been growing very fast. According to latest statistics, in the past year to August 2018, two-way personnel exchanges amounted to as many as 580,000, with more than 450,000 Chinese tourists having visited NZ.


Now, China is NZ's largest trade partner and the No.1 source country of international students and the second largest tourism market, and is expected to become NZ's largest tourism market in a few years. From aviation connectivity to infrastructure, the cooperation in tourism-related industry has also been greatly enhanced.


Up to now, almost all China's major airlines and NZ airline operate direct flightsbetween Auckland and big cities of China, reaching more than 150 flights back and forth per week at peak time and the number is still growing. Many hotels and other projects and business are underway or to come. I firmly believe that the 2019 China-NZ Year of Tourism will further boost the cooperation in tourism, and make new contributions to promoting China-NZ relations.


China is such a fascinating country with abundant tourist resources, such as unique and picturesque landscape, rich history, cultural relics, friendly and hardworking people, and fast economic and social development. Last year, the 19th National Congress of the CPC painted a grand blueprint for China's future development by the middle of this century, providing more opportunities for the tourism cooperation between China and NZ.


According to a Chinese saying, traveling thousands of miles is better than reading thousands of books. Chinese travelers' focus of making outbound trips has changed from just simply for sightseeing and shopping to enjoying high-quality services. Considering this, NZ will surely become an even more popular destination for Chinese tourists in the coming years. We also welcome you to visit China, discover a treasure trove of tourist resources, learn about the enchantment of Chinese history, its 5000 years' uninterrupted civilization and culture, and make Chinese friends.


Today's Expo, one of the warming up activities for 2019 China and NZ tourist year, is playing a leading role in giving our two peoples a clearer picture of the lifestyle and travel impressions of China and NZ. It will help promote the sharing of tourism resources between our two countries, enhance mutual understanding between our two peoples, and strengthen friendly exchanges and pragmatic cooperation under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative.


It is my sincere hope that NZ will continue to create a welcoming atmosphere and continue to provide more convenience for Chinese tourists. We are ready to work together with NZ to forge stronger partnership, deepen mutually beneficial cooperation and create a better and brighter future for our two countries and two peoples.



At last, I wish the Expo a great success, and everyone a pleasant time.

Thank you!



Speech of Ambassador Xiao Jianguo on the Commencement Ceremony of the China-aided Digital Television Terrestrial Multimedia Broadcasting (DTMB) Demonstration Project in Timor-Leste


18 June 2019












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Your Excellency Mr. Merício Juvenal dos Reis “Akara”,

Secretary of State for Social Communications,

Your Excellency Ms. Maria Terezinha Viegas,

Secretary of the Bureau of the National Parliament

Your Excellency Ms. Virgínia Ana Belo,

President of Commission D, National Parliament

Your Excellency Ms. Albina M. Freitas,

President of Commission G, National Parliament

Your Excellency Mr. Nicolau Lino Freitas Belo,

Vice-Minister of Public Works

Your Excellency Mr. Arsénio Pereira da Silva,

Secretary of State for Cooperatives

Your Excellency Mr. Nélio Isaac Sarmento,

Secretary of State for Youth and Sport

Your Excellency Mr. Téfilo Caldas,

Secretary of State for Arts and Culture

Your Excellency Mr. Francisco Kalbuady Lay,

Secretary-General of CNRT

Your Excellency Mr. Olímpio Branco,

Former Timorese Ambassador to China

Representatives from the National Parliament and the Government,

Representatives from the Project Management Company and the Contractor,

Representatives from Chinese Enterprises and Institutions, Friends from the Media,

Ladies and gentlemen,

Dear Friends,


Good morning!


It is a real delight to join you the Commencement Ceremony of the China-aided Digital Television Terrestrial Multimedia Broadcasting (DTMB) Demonstration Project in Timor-Leste. First of all, please allow me, on behalf of the Chinese government, to extend my heartfelt congratulations to Timor-Leste and its people on the commencement of the project. Today is a day worth celebrating, because the lunching of the project marks that Timor-Leste will soon have its own DTMB system. This will greatly improve the culture life and entertainment of Timor-Leste people, enhance the capacity building of media and social communications in Timor-Leste, and further strengthen bilateral understanding and friendship between our two countries. The project is a milestone in the media and social communications cooperation between our two countries.


This project is also the fruit of friendship between our two countries and people, it witnessed the committed efforts we spared together. It has been 5 years since the Secretary of State for Social Communications of the Ⅲ Constitutional Government of Timor-Leste proposed this project to the Chinese government in January 2014. It witnessed 6 Timorese Governments and 3 Chinese Ambassadors. Through the years, though Timor-Leste has experienced changes of governments and the persons concerned, the China-Timor-Leste friendship always keeps the same and China has been consistent in its promise. With the constant and vigorous efforts from our two sides, this year, positive development has been achieved in this project. In March, Mr. “Akara” and I signed the Implementation Agreement for the Project. Today, we gather here to celebrate the unveiling of the project.


Timor-Lest government put great efforts to develop media and social communications. The media software and hardware technology as well as journalistic quality have been constantly improved. Timorese media is becoming an important window for the world to observe and understand Timor-Leste. I hope that Timor-Leste media will keep objective and authentic in reporting, as well as more coverage about China and the works done by the Chinese enterprises and institutions here, who have created many job opportunities for the Timor-Leste, benefited local people, and contributed greatly to the economic and social development of Timor-Leste. Media plays a very important role in learning from each other and enhancing mutual understanding. I hope, through the media`s role, the China-Timor-leste friendship and practical cooperation will be further developed.


Since the beginning of the project, the Chinese team has been supported and helped by the successive governments especially the Secretary of State for Social Communications. I would like to take this chance to thank you all. We still depend on your support and cooperation in the future. Both the National Engineering Laboratory for Digital TV (Bei Jing) and the China Potevio Co., Ltd. are new to Timor-Leste. I hope that both can soon adapt to the new environment, be hard-working and trustworthy, operate according to the local rules and laws, cooperate closely with relevant Timor-Leste departments according the Implementation Agreement, and accomplish the great mission with high quality on time. In mean time, I also hope that both companies take on their social responsibilities, have more local employees and train them, share Chinese DTMB standard, technology and experiences with Timor-Leste government and people unreservedly and wholeheartedly.


Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

我们知道,中东友谊源远流长。东恢复独立伊始,两国即建立了外交关系。今年是两国建交17周年。17年来,两国关系全面快速发展,政治互信不断加深,在经贸、传媒、农业、卫生等各领域的互利合作持续深化,为两国人民带来了实实在在的利益。中东关系堪称大小国家平等相待、友好合作、互利共赢的典范。中国6年前提出“一带一路”倡议,吸引了包括东在内越来越多的国家积极参与。今年4月,第二届 “一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛在京举行,东前总统、前总理、海洋边界事务首席谈判代表夏纳纳阁下出席论坛并发表重要讲话。会议期间,他与中国外交部副部长孔铉佑和部分驻东中资机构北京总部进行了会谈。我希望,也相信随着两国高层交往和各领域务实不断深化,中东关系必将迈向一个新高度。

We know that, China and Timor-leste enjoy a long-standing and well-established friendship. Upon the restoration of Timor-Leste’s independence on 20th May, 2002, China established diplomatic relations with Timor-Leste. This year marks the 17th anniversary of the establishment of China-Timor-Leste diplomatic ties. Over the past 17 years, the bilateral relations have developed rapidly in an all-round manner; political trust has been continuously deepened; mutually beneficial cooperation in areas such as economy, media and social communications, agriculture and health has been steadily strengthened, therefore, bringing concrete and tangible benefits to people of our two countries. The China Timor-Leste relations can serve as an example of equal treatment, friendliness and win-win cooperation among all nations, large and small. 6 years ago, China proposed the “Belt and Road” Initiative that has attracted more and more active participants including Timor-Leste. In April, 2019, his Excellency, the former President and former Prime Minister, the Chief Negotiator for Maritime Boundaries, Mr. Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão attended the Second “Belt and Road” Forum for International Cooperation held in Beijing and delivered an important speech. During the forum, he had meetings with the Chinese vice foreign minister H.E. Mr. Kong Xuanyou, and some Chinese enterprise headquarters. I hope and I am sure that with the continuing high level exchanges between our two countries and the practical cooperation in different sectors, our bilateral relations will reach a new high.


The world is now in the midst of profound and complex changes, both China and Timor-Leste are in an important period for development. China is willing and able to carry out comprehensive cooperation in different areas with Timor-Lest to achieve mutual development and win-win result. China is also willing to continue its support to the infrastructure and livelihood projects in Timor-Leste so as to contribute to the well-being of Timor-Leste people and improve their sense of fulfillment and happiness.


In the end, again I hope this China-aided project a success under our joint effort; I hope the Timoreses a happier and more prosperous life; and I hope the friendship between our two countries long-lasting.


Thank you!



