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高二一年,强人将浮出水面,鸟人将沉入海底。 高二重点解决三个问题:一,吃透课本;二,找寻适合自己的学习方法;三,总结自己考试技巧,形成习惯。下面是小编给大家带来的高二英语教案,希望能帮助到大家!


Step 1 Revision

1 Check the homework exercises.

2 Ask the Ss a few random questions to revise future time and introduce the topic of the unit. For example: What lessons do you have this afternoon / tomorrow? Are you going to do anything special this evening? What do you think the weather will be like tomorrow? What are you going to do on Saturday evening? Are you planning to do anything on Sunday?

Step 2 Presentation

SB Page 25, Part 1. Ask questions about the picture, and get Ss to tell you what they think is happening. Teach the new words majority, goods, industry. Read the introduction aloud.

Step 3 Reading

Say Now read the dialogue silently and find out this information: What is being planned at this company? Allow the Ss a few moments to carry out the task. Check the answer. (A new factory may be built.) See if the Ss can guess the meaning of out of work.

Step 4 Dialogue

Speech Cassette Lesson 65. Play the tape of the dialogue for the Ss to listen and follow. Go through the dialogue briefly and make sure the Ss understand it. Ask questions like these: What are people at the company talking about? Who is going to make the decision? Why does the company need to build a new factory? What is the difficulty? Why do some people want the new factory to be built? Why are some people against the new factory? Explain that may have plans expresses uncertainty about the future. Play the tape again. This time the Ss listen and repeat. Then let the Ss practise the dialogue in pairs. You may wish to ask one pair to act the scene in front of the class.


a People have been talking of it a lot recently.:

Note the Present Perfect Continuous Tense to express an activity which started in the past and is still continuing.

b I simply don‘t know. = I honestly don’t know.

c Right now = At this moment

d The problem is … it. = Finding land for building the new factory is a problem ( i.e. difficult).

e The majority of people = Most people

f a number of people = quite a lot of people

g out of work = do not have jobs

h But some people … built on. = Some people do not want them to build a factory on good farm land. Note the structure not want something to be done.

i I can see the problem. = I understand the problem.

j is likely to happen = will probably happen

k It‘s quite likely: Quite emphasizes likely and increases the possibility.

Step 5 Practice

SB Page 25, Part 2. Demonstrate how to make sentences from the table, then get a few Ss to make example sentences. Then let the Ss do this exercise in pairs. At the end get Ss to write down 5 sentences from this table in their exercise books.

Step 6 Workbook

Wb Lesson 65, E_. 1 - 4.

After Ex. 1 is done orally, get the Ss to write the answers in their exercise books.

Both E_. 2 and 3 should be done in pairs first. Then check the answers with the class. Get Ss to translate the sentences into Chinese and ask them to think if they will be able to put them back into English. Pay attention to the sentence structures.

When doing Ex. 4, warn the Ss not to do word for word translation. Special attention should be paid to the sentence patterns and word order.

Step 7 Consolidation

With a good class you can give the Ss the following phrases and get them to make up a dialogue. Write these phrases on the Bb.

I believe you’re right.

What are the problems then?

What do you think is likely to happen?

Write them up on the Bb and demonstrate with a good S how it is possible to make up a dialogue.

A: I think the company will buy more land.

B: I believe you‘re right.

A: But it isn’t likely that the manager will make a decision soon.

B: What are the problems then?

With an ordinary class, just practise the dialogue in Part 1 again.


Finish off the Workbook exercises.

Do Ex. 1 and part of Ex. 4 as written work.




Teaching Aims

Knowledge a nd Skills:

1. Ge t to know about Canada.

2.Grasp some reading skills.

3.Stimulate the Ss’ interest and love for learning about foreign countries.

Strategy and Method:

1.Train the students’fast-reading ability.

2.Train the students’ ability to co operate with others.


Main points :

1. Introduce the information of Canada to the students.

2.Train the students’reading ability —skimming,and listening ability

Difficult point :

Learn different reading skil ls for different reading purposes.

Teaching procedures and ways


Step1. Readin g&Greeting (2`)

Step2. Leading in and Warming Up (5`)

1.Free talk: Do you like to go sightseeing?

Which country do you like to visit?

What can you see in these countries?


Step3. Fast- reading (10`)

1.what is“the true north”?

It refers to “the cross-Canada train.”

2.Draw the route of the two girls’ traveling across Canada

Step4. Careful- reading(T&F) (15`)

Step5. Consoli dation (7`)

Listening & Summary

Fill in the blank and retell the story



Surf the Internet to find more information about Canada

Chalkboard Designing

Unit5Canada – the “the true north”

-----A thip “ on the true north”

Vancouver Rocky Mountains Thunder Bay

Calgary Lake Superior Toronto




1. Instructional objectives

By the end of the class, most students are able to:

1) Use the words and the phrases they learned to complete the tasks based on the text.

2) Pronounce correctly the new words (especially “carnival” )by themselves and with the help of the teacher.

3) More than half of the students can speak fluently and accurately about their views towards carnival in pairs with the teacher’s scaffolding.

2. Educational objectives

By the end of the class, students are able to:

Improve their cultural awareness from carnival and learn more about its influence on the western culture after class

3. Personal objectives:

1) Be confident of standing on the stage and speak clearly and spontaneously.

2) Encourage students to speak in the class with different kind of techniques.


Focal points:

By the end of the class, students are able to:

1) Improve the main reading skills through completing reading tasks in pair work and group work.

2) Use the table to finish their essay about their favorite film.

Difficult points:

By the end of the class, students are able to:

1) speak fluently and accurately about their favorite films in pairs with the teacher’s scaffolding.

2) Write a film review according to the table and the text.


Procedures and time allotment

Stage 1 Getting students ready for learning

T: Class begins!


T: Good afternoon, class!


T: Today, let’s come to Culture Corner. Module 4. Do you know Chinese festivals?


T: First, Work in groups, discuss and make a list of Chinese festivals in English. (1min).


T: OK, time is up. You know Chinese festivals?


T: very good. For example1.

New Year’s Day 元旦节 (1月1日)

2. Spring Festival 春节 (农历正月初一)

3. Lantern Festival 元宵节 (农历正月15)

4. the Qingming Festival 清明节 (4月5日)

5. Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 (农历5月初五

6. Double-ninth Day 重阳节 (农历9月初九)

7.National Day 国庆节 (10月1日)

T: And festivals brought us much traditional knowledge. So, festival is beautiful. Do you know foreign festivals?


T: In the textbook, there are some festivals with pictures. Do you know the right descriptions about them?


T: This festival is at the end of October, when “ghosts” come out.


T: This is when Americans remember the hard times when they first arrived in the country.


T: This is a festival of color, which marks the beginning of spring in India.


T: This is a Christian festival which comes in the middle of winter


T: Let’s watch a video. Can you guess what festival it is? .

T: They are dressed up in special clothes, and they are wear masks.


T: now, First question is how do people feel on this festival? Second is what festival is it?


T: Yes, very good. Now, let’s watch a video about Carnival.


T: what do you remember about carnival?


T: Where did it first?


Stage 2 Pre-reading

Step 1. Listen to the tape.

T: Let's listen to the following passage to learn more about carnival. Try to find out what places are mentioned in terms of carnival celebrations.



Step 2. Scan the passage and try to answer the questions.

T: What is the meaning of carnival?


T: Originally it meant “with no meat”but now it symbolizes “life”.

Step 3. Read the passage and match column A with column B.

T: OK, now I will give you 1 minute to read it again and then I will ask you some

Stage 3 While-reading

Step 1 Read the passage. Choose the best answers to the two sentences.

T: are you finish? Let’s look at the questions.

first question is Today Carnival has become a celebration of ____. Which one you choose?

A. freedom B. harvest C. life itself D. success


T: YES, very good. Next question is We need to _____ to understand what carnival is all about.

A. look at the history of America B. go to America

C. look at the meeting of two cultures---European and African D. Both A and C



Step 2 check whether the statements are true or false.

T: …

T: Now, let’s check.With the opening of huge farms and plantations, many Africans went to look for jobs in America., what’s your idea?


T: Do you agree?


T: Excellent, in paragraph 2, this marked the beginning of the slave trade. So the question 1 is False.

T: next question 2, The Europeans imported their festivals and later the slaves learned from them and added their traditions.


T: very good. This answer in paragraph 3.


T: question 3,The slave trade was abolished and the salves took over the carnival.


T: the last, With the passing of time, carnival became a festival of the black people only.


T:Exactly! Superb!

Step 3 Skimming for specific information

Task: Answer the questions according to the passage.

T: Read the text carefully and answer the questions.

Next, we will read the text again to explore how the text organized. 3minutes, Let’s go!

T: Now, let’s check your answers. What is carnival today?

Ss:Carnival today is an international, multicultural experience.

T:The second question is Where were the slaves taken from ?

Ss:In Africa


T: Excellent!

Stage5 Post-reading

Discussion: Useful questions to make up dialogues

T: there have seven questions, useful questions to make up dialogues.

Have you dressed up in special clothes?

2 What did you wear? 3 How did you feel?

4 Did you eat special food?

5 Did you give or receive gifts?

6 Did you have a holiday from school?

7 Did you enjoy yourself with your family or friends?

T: I will divide the class into 3 students in a group. 3 minutes, 1, 2, begin!


T:Time is up. which one do you choose?


T: Yes, so the theme of Frankenstein is about science and humanity.

T: OK, next group, do you have other answer?




Do exercises on Page 37-38.


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